2024 Spring PNW Snowpack
PNW Regional Snowpack (USDA- https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs-initiatives/sswsf-snow-survey-and-water-supply-forecasting-program/national-water-and)
Spring is in full force in the Pacific Northwest and the El Niño snowpack is looking below normal for Washington and Montana as of early April. Idaho is doing slightly better, but still below average and Oregon is looking generally around average to above in the south while the Sierra Nevada snowpack is well above average (see Map above). It’s still possible that late spring cold storms will bring more snow to the PNW mountains, but generally the snowpack peaks around April 1st in NE Oregon and declines after that (see plot below). Overall this may lead to lower river flows for paddlers this summer. Hopefully irrigation supply can keep up with demand. Get outside and enjoy spring!
High Ridge Snotel Station Data for Winter ‘23-’24 (Blue Mtns NE Oregon) USDA
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